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How to Write Blog posts better and faster

  One of the major obstacles of blogging is not having expertise to create quality contents which is very crucial for companies and website owners to get their voice heard.
How to Write Blog posts
blog posts writing 
In running a successful Internet business, good contents matter. Blogging is the king. It is a way of keeping your customers updated about your products, services or industry. If you battle with creating contents for your blog or website, this post will show how to step-by-step guide knowledge of writing quality blog posts better and faster. Let's dive in.

1.  Have a SMART Goal: First determine an ultimate goal you will like to achieve with the blog post contents you want to create. Is it to generate more leads, make more sales, to get people download your apps etc. Make your goal SMART by adding some sort of a quantifier such as a specific number, percentage, date etc. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound. Having a SMART goal will help you to determine the format you should use when creating the content. For instance, it will help you determine if a topic should be “How to make money online”, or “Top 5 ways to make money online”. Examples of a SMART goal is, “to increase leads generation by 30% of lead generated last month by the end of this month” if your goal is to increase leads. Having a SMART goal gives you a sense of direction and will make you stay focus.

2.  Know Your Audience and Write for them: secondly, it is important you know who your target audience are and write contents that appeal to them rather than everyone. Ask yourself what kind of visitors do you want to attract to your site and how will you address them in order to achieve your SMART goal. Once you are able to answer these questions correctly, begin to write as if you are having one-on-one conversation with them. Ask questions to stimulate their thought processes. Knowing your audience and writing contents that appeal them will greatly increase your conversation rate and thus improve your goal achievement.

3.  Choose Catchy and Benefit Driven Title: The title ought to be unique, relevant and should be something your target market want. Your title ought to presented with a view to snatch your readers’ attention. It should be benefit driven and should arose curiosity if possible. It ought to be able to creates a query in the mind of your readers. A query such as how?, why?, where?, when? etc. should appear in the mind of your reader after reading the headline. But, the body of your write-up needs to be able to answer such query correctly.
4.  Brainstorm the Ideas: A lot of ideas come to your mind when you choose a title. Think critically to capture all of your best thought. Put down everything that comes to your mind on paper including paragraphs, phrases, keywords etc.

5.  Organize your Ideas to Draw Out Sub-headings: once you have put down everything, Organize your Ideas into Sub-headings or outlines by picking out main points.  Ensure your points are arranged in a logical order.

6.  Develop the outlines: Start developing your contents from the outline you have written. Be sure to have a smooth transition from each sentence and paragraph.
7.  Make your Sentences and Paragraphs Short and Concise: Avoid writing long sentences and paragraphs so as not to make your sentences too clumsy and unclear.
8.  Do Not Edit as you write: write first, then edit to avoid distraction. Continue writing as you are stimulated to do so. When you are done writing, start editing.
Practice makes perfect, begin to apply what you have learnt. It is highly recommended you use plr contents as a guide to make writing super easy for you. With constant practice, writing will become easier and faster for you.

Best wishes for your success.

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